Sunday, June 13, 2010

Mulch Ado About Nothing

Recently spotted: One albino squirrel. Apparently he likes living behind our house. He was seen twice yesterday, but alas, the camera was not on hand. It was suggested that we call the DNR to learn more; are albino squirrels common in the area, will they come out and look for him, etc. Blog followers I ask you this question, should the albino squirrel just remain my little treasure, or shall we tell the world (aside from internet-land)?

Yesterday I mulched. This followed a week of diligent weeding and was carried out in ridiculous heat and humidity with frequent water breaks. But the efforts were well worth it. Upon completion, the phantom squirrel ran by and great peals of thunder ripped through the atmosphere before a mighty deluge of rain fell from the heavens above.

I picked two tomatoes from the garden yesterday (oh how I love the southern growing season!) with more just about ready for plucking. A broccoli crown has also emerged from one of the plants, but nothing yet from the other eight.

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