Monday, August 23, 2010

Suddenly Stupid

Once upon a time I had a cute little blog background. Then the blog background expired and I forgot how to change the template settings. Please bear with me as I struggle to remember. And as always, the "Help" tool proves to be no help whatsoever.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Eureka!!! Its purple

You can see the purple one, and some the others are starting to blush... very exciting. I found four other purpley ones on the ground. See them below lined up nicely between our guardian spirit garden worker thingies. After several weeks of neglect, it will soon the time to start getting them ready for fall, but I still need to find out what that means.

And below you can see another picture of our proud little harvest. Notice also that my thumb is dirty from digging and cleaning up the grapes. I did try to eat the one on the left, it was fairly crunchy with no real flavor, just a lot of grit.